I don't seem to have had time to update recently, something I promise to remedy in the New Year. Quite a bit has been going on at Blashford recently, the Ivy South hide is open and has a ramp for access, the camera equipment installation continues and work has started on the extension to the Sand Martin wall.
On the wildlife front there has been little new around, despite the colder than average weather, most disappointingly, so far at least, there has been no sign of a Bittern. This is not to say that there have not been birds worth seeing however. A run through of recent sighting is below, under the Cormorant picture, as you can see I have not just failed to update the blog, but also to take any pictures of note.

At the Woodland hide and the feeders around the Centre area a few Siskin and up to 9 Lesser Redpoll have been seen and although there are good numbers of Chaffinch there do not seem to be any Brambling at present.
The gull roost on Ibsley Water is still large and attracting some 15 or so Yellow-legged Gulls, earlier in the month also 3 Mediterranean Gulls and at the end of the month an adult Caspian Gull. This last bird often seems to turn up in the early afternoon and stand on the island in the extreme NW corner of the lake.
I will make another update before the end of the year and try to be more regular with the info in 2010.