Great Spotted Woodpeckers are busy excavating a hole in one of the trees by the woodland hide. As you go into the hide, straight ahead there are 2 dead trees. Their hole is in the dead tree on the right and is situated on the left side of the trunk, a couple of metres above the nest box. You can't see the hole from the hide but you do get a good view when they stick their head out the tree! Alternatively the hole can be seen off the footpath between Ivy North hide and the Woodland hide. There is a lot of woodpecker activity in this area which earlier this morning included a standoff between 2 males whilst the female sat watching from the hole in the tree!
Nest update: The
Song thrush is still sitting on 3 eggs.
The 'witches broom' birch tree, on the righthand side as you drive in on the entrance drive, continues to be one of my favourite places at the moment with the high level of activity occurring within and around it.
The Mallard continues to sit on her nest, it is quite easy to spot as it is in the witches broom covered in fluffy feathers! In the vicinity of the duck, on the right side of the tree round the back a bit, I have also spotted a pair of Goldcrests building a nest, they can be seen taking big mouthfuls of moss over to their nest. At the top of this tree a Great Spotted Woodpecker has been excavating a hole and is regularly heard drumming nearby.
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