There was rather little to report on the wildlife front apart from a fly-over Red Kite around lunchtime which disappeared in the direction of the New Forest trailed by a Buzzard. At least 2 Hobby were catching insects over the trees, at times right above the Centre. At the Tern hide the Pied Wagtails newly fledged earlier are now making their own way, the creamy yellow of their faces making some question if they are really Pied Wagtails. Of course they are and this yellowish tint is typical of very young ones and slowly fades as the summer goes on. The picture shows one of the three preening on the perch outside the hide.

In late news I heard today of 2 Sanderling seen on Tuesday and a Greenshank yesterday, so a few more migrant waders, although this has still been the worst spring in the four years I have been at Blashford for passage birds.
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