No birds of note today, but I can report that all the various birds sitting on eggs are still doing so, a case of so far so good. After yesterday's rain it was sun again today and looking by the pond at the Centre there were lots of insects. The Hoverfly below is a species called
Parhelophilus frutetorum a species typical of ponds with lots of emergent vegetation.

There are also lots of dragonflies emerging now, the exuvia below is of an
Emperor, it always amazes me how many can emerge from such a small pond. On the wing today were Broad-bodied Chaser and Scarce Chaser as well as hoards of damselflies.

The area just outside the Ivy North hide is always good for butterflies and there were several
Common Blue,
Dingy Skipper and my first
Brown Argus of the year there today.

Badgers have been busy again making new holes, including another right beside the path. In fact I am watching them as I write this via the webcam, they are brilliant value at present, they are out in front of the camera every night. Just now one is digging out new soil from a hole just on the left of the path in the picture and earlier two were beside the log in the background.
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