Birds: Ibsley Water - at least 4 common sandpiper, the red-crested pochard reported, the black swan and at the end of the day at least 4 swift.
The ringers were in this morning and had a great day, catching over 80 birds including redstarts and 5 tree pipit! The area on the eastern shore of Ibsley Water is proving to be a very productive ringing site.
Opening the Tern hide the young roe deer buck was feeding on the shore close to the hide, surprisingly there was a young one with it, one of this year's still with the shadow of spots on the flanks. There was no sign of a doe, the young will usually stay with their mother much longer than this so I wonder if this youngster has been orphaned or just got lost.
It was a day for house-keeping tasks, I cleared debris off the paths in the morning and rigged up some new leaflet dispensers int he afternoon. We also tried and failed to get the webcam to stream again, so I'm afraid it is still not viewable, still I will keep working on it. Michelle did a good job of cleaning the lens of the camera in the pond, it is remarkable how quickly it gets covered in algae.
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