Bird News: Ibsley Water - ruff 1 juvenile (still present), ringed plover 1 juvenile, common sandpiper 1 juvenile, house martin c800, sand martin c300, swallow c100.
It was foggy when I arrived and so at first I saw almost nothing but a few nearby coot. So I headed off to open the hides and came back to the Tern hide at about 08:30 when the sun was out. It was pretty quiet, or at least I could not find much of interest, a juvenile common sandpiper on the shore near the hide at least meant I had a bird to feature here though, bird pics have been a bit few and far between recently.

The moth trap contained a few new species for the year as more autumn species show up. The new species were "autumnal" moth or at least one of the
Epirritia group of species, although it must be recently emerged it was already quite worn. Much fresher was a fine moth that I'm afraid I do not really appreciate fully as a red-green colour-blind person, a
green carpet.

The last new one was a
spot pinion, although this one is trying very hard to look like a
beaded chestnut, but I think just failing.

I was not on the reserve for long today, in fact I was away shortly after lunch and the morning was mostly taken up with more tree clearance and catching up with emails, hence the rather thin wildlife recording.
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