When I opened up the Tern hide Ibsley Water was glass calm and the sky clear. In the sunshine the low brambles and dead hedge around the main car park were well stocked with small birds, including several
chiffchaff and a
blackcap. The open area of the car park had a number of
pied wagtail chasing flies over the concrete. I managed to get one quick shot of a chiffchaff as it hunted spiders in the dead hedge, not a great shot but they never seem to stay still and so are especially difficult to digiscope.

osprey was seen again today, it caught a fish and flew off west, as it seems to do regularly.
In late morning the heavens opened and we had a short period of torrential rain, with little wind I wondered how long it might last but it stopped as quickly as it had started and the sun came out enough for red admirals and migrant hawkers to be flying by lunchtime.
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