I know
hazel can be contorted, but just now
Blashford seems to have confused
willows. Several of the small willows growing in the bank around the main car park have started to produce catkins,
something they should do in the early spring. They also seem to have produced a new flush of leaves. I think the cause is the drought, or rather the rain that has followed. In the dry spell several of them lost most of their leaves and with the rain they have greened up again, perhaps this leaf loss followed by fresh growth has fooled them into a false Spring.

Apart from
eccentric willows it was a very quiet day. Early in the day there were something like 400
house martin over
Ibsley Water, as they tend to they were in a tight group and gradually flying higher and higher before moving off south. By contrast the
swallows on the move were in scattered groups moving at about twice tree top height into the wind. I saw only one
sand martin today and no
swifts, although the day felt right for one somewhere. Waders were very few, in fact I saw only a single
common sandpiper. Disturbance in the valley resulted in an influx of
greylag, with the single
bar-headed goose and also of
grey herons with one
little egret, but no sign of the
great white egret. The adult grey heron in the picture was beside the
Goosander hide in the late morning.

cormorant continue to feed on
Ibsley Water in great flocks, in between feeding they rest on the islands and I counted 182 at one point around lunchtime. The majority are young birds, one of today's had a colour ring engraved with, well I don't know what, it was just too far away. The only one I have managed to read was ringed as a nestling in the Bristol Channel.
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