Saturday 29 May 2010

Blashford Brocks

I was not at Blashford today, but the wonders of the internet still allowed me to see some Blashford wildlife. I decided to check out the webcam, it is now looking at the badger sett and I was interested to see what, if anything there was to see.

I turned on at 20:50 and just before 21:00, when it was still light I saw a Badger out in front of the camera sniffing the air for about a minute before it headed off into the nettles. A great view and still in more or less broad daylight. At about 21:15 the light came on and the camera switched to a more or less black and white view, after another ten minutes or so another badger, then a another and then yet another. Finally the picture got too dim around 21:40 and I gave up. In fact the image taken by the camera is fine if watched as it comes into the Centre but the internet connection cannot cope with the poorer quality.

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